大家好,Hello everyone,
我是内蒙古巴彦淖尔市副市长岱庆格日乐。I am the deputy mayor of Bayan Nur, Inner Mongolia,Daiqing Geerle.
今天,十分荣幸向大家推介一个“不一样的江南” Today, I am very honored to introduce a ";different Jiangnan";
——美丽富饶的巴彦淖尔。- beautiful and rich Bayan Nur.
A Watery City
提到江南,When it comes to Jiangnan,
人们就会脱口而出:“江南水乡”。 people will blurt out: ";Jiangnan Water Town.";
在黄河几字湾顶端、At the top 几 bay of the Yellow River,
祖国的正北方,the north of the motherland,
同样有一座缘水而生的城市。there is also a city born of water.
相传,当年康熙皇帝巡幸河套时发现,According to legend, when Emperor Kangxi visited Hetao,
这里“马蹄走过的印迹里都能渗出水来”, he found that "; water could seep out of the footprints of the horseshoe";,
因而得名“巴彦淖尔”, hence has the name ";Bayan Nur";,
蒙语的意思就是“富饶的湖泊”。 which means ";rich lakes"; in Mongolian.
母亲河自西向东横贯全境,The mother river runs through the whole area from west to east,
300多个湖泊如繁星般撒落在黄河沿岸,and more than 300 lakes are scattered like stars along the Yellow River,
是名副其实的百湖之乡、候鸟天堂,It is a veritable hometown of hundred lakes and paradise for migratory birds.
“塞外明珠”乌梁素海,Ulansuhai Nur ,";pearl beyond the Great Wall"; ,
是地球同一纬度最大湿地、is one of the largest wetland in the same latitude of the earth
中国八大淡水湖之一,and the top eight freshwater in China,
也是黄河生态安全的“自然之肾”。 and also the “natural kidney” of the Yellow River ecological security.
奔腾的黄河水在开阔的河套平原上放缓了脚步,The pentium water of Yellow River slowed down on the open Hetao Plain,
从秦汉开始,Starting from the Qin and Han Dynasties,
一代代勤劳智慧的河套儿女就开渠引水,generations of wisdom and hardworking people of Hetao set up channels to divert water,
挖出10万多条渠沟, dig out more than 100,000 conduits,
年引黄河水50亿立方米, divert 5 billion cubic meters water of theYellow River,
浇灌着1100多万亩优质耕地,to irrigate more than 11 million mu of high-quality arable land,
成就了八百里河套米粮川,make 800 miles Hetao rich and fertile.
河套灌区是亚洲最大的一首制自流引水灌区, Hetao irrigation area is Asias largest artesian water diversion irrigation area,
让河套人民过上“如鱼得水”的富足生活。which make Hetao people live a rich life ";like a duck to water.";
Superior Characteristics of Husbandry
巴彦淖尔历来就有“黄河百害、唯富一套”的美誉。Bayan Nur has always had the reputation of ";Yellow River have many harms, but makes Hehao rich";.
地处北纬40度农作物种植黄金带上, Located at the 40-degree north latitude crop planting golden belt,
独特的自然条件赋予了巴彦淖尔农牧业得天独厚的优势。the unique natural conditions endowed Bayan Nur husbandry unique advantages.
北部是广袤的乌拉特草原,In the north is the vast Urad grassland,
戈壁红驼是世界珍贵畜种,Gobi red camel is the worlds precious livestock,
二狼山白山羊绒被誉为“纤维之王 ”, the Erlang mountain white cashmere is known as the “king of fiber”
连续三年荣获意大利国际山羊大会金奖。and won the gold medal of the Italian International Goat Conference for three consecutive years.
南部是沃野千里的河套平原,In the south is the Hetao plain with a thousand miles of fertile fields,
盛产种类丰富、品质优良的农产品,which abounds in rich varieties and high-quality agricultural products.
河套小麦,是国际“五项全能小麦”; Hetao wheat is the international ";pentathlon wheat";,
河套番茄,番茄红素含量是一般产品的3到5倍;Hetao tomato, the lycopene content is 3 to 5 times of the general product,
河套华莱士蜜瓜被誉为“天下第一瓜”, Hetao Wallace honeydew melon is known as ";the best melon in the world";,
品尝过巴彦淖尔舌尖美味的人们,都会流连忘返。and people who have tasted the delicious taste of Bayan Nur will linger.
巴彦淖尔也是国家重要的粮油生产基地、Bayan Nur is also an important national grain and oil production base,
全国最大的有机原奶、葵花籽、脱水菜生产基地the largest production base of organic raw milk, sunflower seed, dehydrated vegetable,
和全国第二大番茄种植加工基地, the second largest tomato planting and processing base in China,
全国地级市中唯一四季均衡出栏的肉羊养殖加工基地等,and the only four-season balanced sheep breeding and processing base in prefecture-level cities in China,
特色农畜产品远销90多个国家和地区。 the featured agricultural and livestock products are exported to more than 90 countries and regions.
我们依托绿色农牧业资源优势, Relying on the advantages of green husbandry resources,
全面打响“天赋河套”农产品区域公用品牌,we have comprehensively launched the ";Tianfu Hetao"; agricultural products regional public brand
实现绿色产业转型升级。and achieved the transformation and upgrading of green industry.
Culture From Ancient Times
巴彦淖尔历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚。Bayan Nur has a long history and profound cultural heritage.
千百年来黄河、农耕、游牧、边塞等文化在这里交融发展,For thousands of years, the Yellow River, farming, nomadism, frontier fortress and other cultures have blended and developed here,
形成了独特魅力的河套文化。forming a unique charm of Hetao culture.
秦汉长城、鸡鹿塞、高阙塞等历史遗迹星罗棋布,Historical relics such as the Great Wall of Qin and Han Dynasties, Jilusai, Gaoquesai and so on are scattered ,
蒙恬屯垦、historical epics such as Mengtian station troops to open up wasteland,
昭君出塞、 Zhaojun outside the frontier,
五原誓师、Wuyuan pledge mass effort ,
王同春开发河套水利等历史史诗荡气回肠。Wang Tongchun developed Hetao water conservancy are soulstirring.
被誉为“千里画廊”的5万多幅阴山岩刻记叙着万年光阴,more than 50,000 Yinshan rock carvings which honored as the ";thousand miles gallery";, record thousands of years of time,
是世界最大的岩画宝库之一。is one of the worlds largest treasure troves of rock paintings.
大家耳熟能详的蒙古族民歌《鸿雁》就诞生在这里,The Mongolian folk song ";Hongyan";, which is familiar to everyone, was born here
传唱大江南北。spread across the river.
今天的巴彦淖尔,Today’s Bayan Nur
已经站在新的历史起点上,has stood at a new historical starting point,
我们坚定不移走以生态优先、We are determined to take the path of high-quality development with ecological priority
绿色发展为导向的高质量发展路子,and green development as our guide,
努力实现“塞上江南、绿色崛起”, strive to achieve “Frontier of Jiangnan,green rising”,
让“天赋河套”世界共享。so that the ";Tianfu Hetao"; will be shared by the whole world.
在此,我代表170万热情好客的巴彦淖尔人民 Here,I, on behalf of the 1.7 million warm and hospitable people of Bayan Nur,
以开放的姿态、豁达的气度欢迎您的到来! welcome your arrival with an open attitude and open-mindedness!